Toronto based clothing brand "88Back" drops a commemorative edition tee in support of the late J Dilla, Ma Dukes & Illa J also known as the Yancey Family.

With the world in peril and in desperate need of change, the people elected a new man to lead their country to help change the world. Just like in hip-hop, where disposable music, comprised of meaningless lyrics and unoriginal beats, Dilla, the man from Detroit brought that same needed change. The man’s ability to capture the essence of hip-hop’s roots and merging it with the relevance of the day will forever remain of his sure genius. Mating original sounds and producing numerous timeless tracks that keep hip hop being hip hop, we honor Jay Dee.

In memory of James Dewitt Yancey (February 7, 1974 – February 10, 2006)
From the city of Motown to creating a new age sound, the legend of J Dilla is honored. This commemorative edition tee-shirt is in memory of one of hip-hop’s greatest contributors - James Dewitt Yancey. His legacy has been set in stone through his passion, work ethic and revolution in Changing Beats as we know it. With a sound so uniquely distinctive that appeals directly to one’s emotions, one can only attribute those sounds that resonate, as that of Dilla.
With the purchase of this commemorative tee-shirt you are helping support Ma Dukes who has been diagnosed with Lupus, the condition which J Dilla himself had suffered from. All proceeds will be donated to the Ma Dukes Foundation. We at 88Back thank you for your support in honoring Dilla. Forever a prolific icon to the music we love, with his sound echoed within us, J Dilla is one for the ages and never to be forgotten.
In memory of James Dewitt Yancey (February 7, 1974 – February 10, 2006)
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